

  • Cage Code: 7Y8T2
  • DUNS: 080809659
  • Virginia DSBSD Certification Number: 808689
  • SBA SDVOSB Certification

Services Offered

541420 541690 541430
Product Design Consulting
  • Part Form Determination
  • Stack Height Determination
  • Part-Fit Determination
  • Material Engineering
  • Stress and Strain Determination
Scientific and Technical Consulting
  • R&D
  • Test Design
  • Engineering Services (Non-Professional)
  • Electro-Mechanical System Analysis
CADD Services
  • Part Modeling
  • Shop Drawings
  • System Drawings

National Institute for Government Procurement (NIGP) Codes and Federal Procurement Data System Product and Service Codes (PSC) applicable to GDH Enterprises LLC:

Consulting Codes
Applicable NIGP Codes Applicable Federal PCS Codes
Code Description AA11 AA12 AA13 AC11 AC12
90700 A/E Services (Non-professional) AC13 AC21 AC22 AC23 AC31
91888 Quality Assurance/Control Consulting AC32 AC33 AG11 AG12 AG13
92565 Machine Design/Engineering AG21 AG22 AG23 AG31 AG32
96737 Electrical and Electronic Products (Incl. Computers and Peripherals) AG33 AG41 AG42 AG43 AH11
96763 Production Planning and Control AH12 AH13 AH21 AH22 AH23
96750 Manufacturing Services (Not Otherwise Classified) AH31 AH32 AH33 AH41 AH42
95877 Project Management Services AH43 AH51 AH52 AH53 AJ11
95670 Research Services (Other Than Business) AJ12 AJ13 AR11 AR12 AR13
95675 Scientific Research Services AS11 AS12 AS13 AS21 AS22
96156 Program/Project development and Management Services AS23 AS31 AS32 AS33 AS41
AS42 AS43 R425
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GDH Enterprises LLC uses a Systems Engineering approach to problem solving utilizing Agile Project Management to acquire technical solutions to problems. Furthermore, Robust Engineering Design Principles are utilized to achieve a technical solution that satisfies the customer.

The company has a track record of proven experience where the company worked on the project: Portable Three-Dimensional Virtual Imaging Device. The project now has a patent issued by the US-PTO, patent number: US 10,928,617 B1; issued under a new US-PTO art form, US-PTO Artform: 2884. The company is currently seeking to conduct Phase 1 Proof-of Concept Prototype testing to validate the concept prior to going on, if still feasible, to Phase 2 development for sales on the open market of the two designs covered by the patent. This company experience along with the company owner’s experience gives GDH Enterprises LLC a keen understanding of the inventive/experimental/testing/developmental processes to provide the customer with a satisfying and successful experience.